Monday, May 25, 2009

jjReader 0.7.6 is released!!!

I just uploaded updated jjReader 0.7.6 on the market.

This version has two new features that need to be very careful to use.
  • Automatic scroll - You can select scroll period on the setting page and start and stop on the context menu. When this function is on, screen will be never time out.
  • Screen keep on - If you set this option, reader screen never time out.
  • Enhanced user interface of bookmark feature
There two features might empty your battery because it would be never time out.

If you find any problem or bug, please send me an email or post comment here.

I am still working on search and after I finish the feature, then I will focus on jjComics.


- Jay


  1. It needs ePub support. The most eBooks uses this. Would be great if jjreader would use this, too.

  2. couldnt find it in the market, any links for direct download?

  3. Same problem for me - can't find it on the market.

    It was visible as an update to the previous version of jjReader, but after I uninstalled previous version, any attempt to download new version failed.

    Really like your appliaction! Please bring it back!

  4. If you are using android development phone or installed the ADP ROM, by your self?
    Then, you can not see the jjReader on the market.

    On the dev phone, copy protected softwares are not visible.

    If you update your phone to official cupcake 1.5, then you will see it again on the market.

    - Jay
