Tuesday, March 9, 2010

jjReader 0.8.1 released

Hello anyone who might download the jjReader and is using it.

I just uploaded jjReader 0.8.1 version which has wordwrap bug fix.
I found there was a font size issue on a new android version.
I have developped and tested this software on 1.5. That's why it has an issue with wordwrap.

And I rewrote a new wordwrap module from the scratch.
Now you might see a little bit better text view than before.

Please send me an email (jaebong.kim@gmail.com) if you found bugs of the reader.

I hope you like this update and I am really sorry for being lazy.

Actually I have lost my G1. But recently I can borrow a new NexusOne.
I started Android software development again, and I can spend more time on jjReader.

I have all emails you sent me, and will update the reader with your valuable suggestions.

Thanks a lot.

- Jay


  1. Full screen option is must. Otherwise looks like pretty good app. And become slower since last update (I've just updated it)

  2. Thank you for adding full screen mode! Would be great also to have *select text* option and option "go to %" with possibility to spesify the %, because now it's not accurate.

  3. One important option is missing: the choice of alignment - left, right, center and justified. Now all lines just stuck to the left border of screen, and user can't do anything about it.

  4. Reader will align display according to the encoding language.
    I will consider the text alignment feature but I am still not sure that is that importance or not.

    Thanks for all comments.

  5. Well, I am using readers on mobile phones last 6 years, I've had it on WM, on Simbian, on Java, and don't remember any of them without alignment option, may be I just got used to it... Just lines stuck to close to left border of the screen and it feels unusual...
    Thanks for quick reply.

  6. Bookmarks - would be great if they could be saved a bit like FBReader - or perhaps you can tell me where it currently saves them so that i can manually back them up, as I hate it when I have to re-install and find I have lost all my bookmarks.

  7. Is there a way to download the .apk file from the PC? Market doesn't work on my phone for some reason :-(

  8. where and how can download and install jjeader
    pls help...

  9. why my htc tattoo android market cant search this app?are there any download link on you blog?

  10. Please send me an email for binary.
    Rooted device may not be able to download on Market.

